In2003, the government accepted the obligations under the International Monetary Fund ( IMF), providing for full currency convertibility. 2003年,政府接受了国际货币基金组织对货币改革的贷款。
But China has seen advantage in watching offshore markets develop, partly to give their own banks some practice in managing currency risk, and partly to avoid addressing awkward questions about convertibility, which they have not yet resolved internally. 但中国看到了离岸市场发展的好处,一方面会让中国自己的银行在管理货币风险方面得到一些实践,一方面会避免有关人民币可兑换性的尴尬问题,而中国其实在国内尚未解决这个问题。
China plans to create a special zone to experiment with currency convertibility in Shenzhen, the city where it introduced key economic reforms three decades ago. 中国计划在深圳创建一个特区,用于开展人民币可兑换的试验。30年前,中国在深圳启动了关键的经济改革。
Portugal belongs to a strong currency bloc – its money functions as a real store of value, and convertibility is not in question. 葡萄牙属于一个强势货币区,其货币可充当真正的保值物,可兑换性也不成问题。
A: China announced in 1993 that conditions would be created to turn the RMB into a currency of free convertibility. 戴相龙:中国在1993年提出,要创造条件使人民币成为可以自由兑换的货币。
There are dozens of currencies claim to have achieved currency convertibility, including nearly ten have worldwide influence. 自称本币已实现可兑换的货币,有几十种,有影响的也有近十个。
Without full currency convertibility, Chinese companies 'Hong Kong-listed stock and renminbi-denominated shares traded Shanghai cannot be fungible. 如果不实现货币的完全可兑换,中国企业在香港上市的股票,与他们在上海交易的、以人民币计价的股票就不可能相互替换。
And since a stronger yuan would make full currency convertibility a more realistic objective, Chinese exchange rate appreciation would bring China closer to putting itself at the heart of international monetary reform. 由于人民币升值将使得货币完全可兑换变成一个更为现实的目标,因此人民币升值将有助于中国让自己处于国际货币改革的核心位置。
Fixing a date for currency convertibility would be similar to joining the World Trade Organisation a decade ago: it would set in motion a new wave of reforms. 确定货币自由兑换日期与十年前加入WTO相似:这将开启新的改革浪潮。
The move, he says, was part of a broader liberalisation of the currency whose ultimate goal is full convertibility though that remains a long way off. 陶冬表示,此举是向进一步放开人民币汇率迈出的一步,最终目标是实现人民币完全自由兑换,尽管这还有很长的路要走。
An introduction of some basic knowledge about currency convertibility which concludes currency convertibility under current account and capital account. 介绍了货币自由兑换的基本理论。包括经常项目自由兑换和资本项目自由兑换的基本概念。
Stable Transition Model of the Currency Convertibility on Capital Account 资本项目自由兑换的平稳过渡模型的初步构想
The realization of currency convertibility on capital account in Japan and the recent financial crisis in Mexico and Southeast Asian countries have revealed the problems in the process of currency convertibility on capital account in the developing countries. 从日本实现资本项目自由兑换的经验以及墨西哥和东南亚金融危机的教训,可总结出发展中国家在实现资本项目自由兑换过程中面临的问题。
Under the condition of capital mobility and currency convertibility, money market and foreign exchange market interact with each other. The transmission mechanism between interest rate and exchange rate is flexible and effective. 在资本自由流动和货币自由兑换下,货币市场和外汇市场相互作用、相互影响,利率汇率之间存在灵活有效的传导机制。
A currency can be identified as freely convertible when it has both current-account convertibility and capital-account convertibility. 货币自由兑换是指货币在经常项目和资本项目下都实现了自由兑换,它的终极目标是实现货币的国际化。
In the second chapter, we make a comprehensive review of general conception and theory of currency convertibility. 第二章较全面地对货币可兑换的一般概念及理论进行论述;
In recent years, due to further advance the world currency convertibility, cross-border capital flows is becoming more frequent and increasing scale, complexity further enhanced. 近年来,由于世界各国进一步推进货币可兑换,跨境资本流动开始日趋频繁,规模越来越大,复杂程度进一步提高。